"Marathon Man" (1976) is a thriller directed by John Schlesinger. The film stars Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier and Roy Scheider. "A graduate history student is unwittingly caught in the middle of an international conspiracy involving stolen diamonds, an exiled Nazi war criminal, and a rogue government agent." (Synopsis quoted from: Wikipedia.) The film has an infamous scene with the well known quote: "Is it safe?" The film is based on the novel: "Marathon Man" written by William Goldman in 1974.
Mood: Thriller, suspense, conspiracy theories, Nazi criminals
Good aspects: Interesting story. From a technical point, "Marathon Man" was the first feature film using Steadicam with a theatrical release. (It wasn't though the first film to use Steadicam- "Bound for Glory" was the first.)
Worth noticing: Disturbing scenes.
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