"The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" (2007) is directed by Andrew Dominik-a New Zealand born Australian director, who also directed "Chopper" (2000). The film stars Brad Pitt as Jesse James the infamous outlaw, and Casey Affleck as Robert Ford. The film is a masterpiece, with beautiful cinematography, lyrical narrative, and though is long at 160 minutes, it doesn't lose its' story or impact. The story focuses on Jesse James, his gang, and Robert Ford-who has idolized Jesse James, but finally turns against him, tempted by the reward offered for Jesse's capture & life. Brad Pitt is cast perfectly in the role of Jesse James, together with a great ensemble cast. Nick Cave makes a cool musical appearance in the film-he also composed the soundtrack with Warren Ellis.
Mood: Western with a difference.
Good Aspects: Beautiful cinematography, powerful acting.
Worth Noticing: Violent scenes. Not recommended for children.
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